Sunday, 29 January 2017

Dont Let Numbers Rule Everything

Hey Guys how ya been.

So yeah I know I ain't been active for months but I'm back and I have something I want to say, something that has been on my mine the past 2-3 years and that is I don't want numbers to rule my life.
Ok so mabey I should explain do all of us know about GCSE's right? WELL I don't even see the point in them people call me childish but I have a good point but people never listen enough to understand but I'll try and explain is as well as I can.
Basically I believe that we should be able to find and get any job we want after school or college but that is just a pipe dream because of the fact that every job you apply for is controlled by what your grades are, if your grades are to low you don't get the job and if you have perfect grade you get whatever job you want and I don't like that system because why should someone who has never ever met me (the examiners) be the judge of what my skill level is I mean cmon in the past there have been people who have drawn a dot in the middle of the piece of paper and people called it art and he did really well from that one dot but these days you have to draw something so good that it don't even look like a drawing.
Sorry if I lost you for a moment there but what I'm trying to say is that if you want to get to where you want to be and do what you wanna do, don't let numbers on a piece of paper decide how that happens you be the judge of who you are and what you can do.

Anyway that's all for now I hope you enjoyed and if you agree with anything I have said or have any questions please comment.

PolaroidGuy stopping time~~~--------

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