Tuesday, 7 February 2017

HELP (Friend Problems)

Hey guys
how you all doing.
today i want to talk about something that has been bothering me for a couple weeks now and i would like your guys opinion.

So as some of you may know i love to talk online with people its kinda like my lifeline to my friends because i can hardly ever meet some of them but lately it feels like they have become more distant when trying to have a conversation with someone even with someone more than friends.
i just feel like im getting boring like know one really talk and people always say "Sorry my phone died" which hey it may be true but these days i find it hard to believe like today i was gonna have a Skype call with someone and this someone is the more than friends part but in the end i didn't feel like it because if you guys dont know, i just came down with a cold and i dont really feel like calling so i said but im ok to talk on Facebook if you want and she said yeah thats fine but... nothing after that im just waiting for the Facebook notification to ping saying i have a new message.
I know some of you are saying "JUST MESSAGE HER THEN" and the thing is i would but over the past couple of weeks even months people are starting to get pissed off at me for how much i talk to them and i dont know if she is already pissed at how much i talk or is just on the edge of being pissed.
but either way i really need some advice because im struggling here.
And if any of you guys have had anything like this happen please comment.

PolaroidGuy Stopping Time ~~~---

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

A Club Like a Family

Hey guys.
I hope you liked my last post and understood where I was coming from, but any way onto this topic.

Have you guys ever felt like you haven't been fitting in at home college school or where ever you are but you always have that one place where you feel your real family is, well I feel like that when I look around I feel like I don't belong in some spots of where I live but this place is truly my home.
It's a club that I go to every Friday and I've been going for about 8 years now so since I was 10, I won't say the name of this place as I want to keep some things anonymous on here, but after all this time that I have been going there I have never once felt out of place well, I guess there are times where I have fallen out with people there but I never stopped going and I'm so glad I still go because I have made friendships that will last for years (I hope) but and that's a big BUT the club has started going down hill a little bit over the past year because another place in town opened up and stole most of our members so all of us are trying our best to get these members back or every better, get NEW members.
I don't know what will happen over the next year there but I do know one thing.
It will always be my home.
Sorry that was really cheesy thanks for reading leave a comment of what you think and I'll talk to you next time.

PolaroidGuy stopping time~~~----