Friday, 14 October 2016


Hey guys.

so up until Christmas ill be trying to pump out posts every week so i hope you enjoy.

I would like to start off saying that this post isn't the happiest thing to talk about but i just want to get it off my chest.

So lately I've been thinking about who my friends really are and you must be thinking "what do you mean" well when im with "Friends" i feel kind of left out in a away for example -
When im trying to have a serious talk with a friend they just shrug it off like its nothing,
Also when i am sitting down with a group of friends to try to draw a bit and write songs or write short story's and then they ask if they can look at my drawings and writing and i say that i dont like people looking at them but they insist and when they look at my work such as writing they say oh why are you writing like that it looks really bad and wrong, and also when they are looking at my drawings they say things like "Oh why did you draw that mouth like that or why did you draw that face like that do you not have any originality?" and im just like no i dont have any originality because im still trying to learn different things about drawing and writing so i take ideas from people that have already don the same thing and just because you can draw and you have "Originality" doesn't mean you can tell me i have non.


Sorry if this made no sense what so ever but i just had to talk about it.

anyway thats all for today if any of you have had something like this happen to you then post it in the comments.
until next time.

PolaroidGuy Stopping Time ------

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

The Season of Autumn

Ah Autumn my favorite time of the year.

Hey Guys how have you been.

Anyway let me start by asking you what your favorite season is in the year Summer, Autumn, Spring or Winter.

Now as I just said I love Autumn it's my favorite time of the year because of how the leaves all turn from a lush green to little flames and then they fall to the ground for winter, I also love this time out year because of Halloween I love all the outfits you see in shops and it's just one of the key parts to Autumn being GREAT am I right?

I just love running around in all the leaves that fall onto the ground with my dogs.

This may be weird to say but is it just me or does Autumn kind of remind you of Christmas as well as Halloween I think the Autumn leaves remind me of a nice Warm Fire in you living room sitting down with a hot chocolate and watching a movie such as the polar express which is one of my favorite movies ever.

Don't you think that this season gives a nice feel to coffee shops such as Cafe Nero with it's rustic theme I like to spend most of the time in there just having a hot chocolate and going on my laptop it's so good you guys should try it.

Anyway that's it for now leave me your feedback in the comments.

PolaroidGuy Stopping Time -----

Monday, 10 October 2016

Friends VS Life

Hello Guys.

This was a bit rushed but i just really want to talk about it.

Ok so basically on most days when i get back home from college i usually go onto Facebook or Skype and talk to friends but every now and then some of them never answer me and i get a little annoyed because it says that they are online but no talk.

So i end up sending one message every 2 hours like


And after i message "cool" they message back all annoyed and say im busy having a life, and this kinda gets on my nerves because if they didn't want me to talk to them they should have just said or at least put their profile on away or offline.

Now why am i telling you all this, well i feel like its going to lose me friends and i need some help from you guys if that is possible to give me tips on what to do if you have gone through this because its really eating at me today.

Now dont worry i will have another post coming out later in the month a little more light hearted that im use you will enjoy so until then, Thanks for all your help.

PolaroidGuy Stopping Time -----

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Family Problems

Hello guys.

I know i haven't posted in a while but i have been busy with college.

but i just want to talk about something that has really been affecting my life at the moment and i hope you will have the time to read and give me some advise.

Ok so you know how sometimes you will have that one group of friends that talk about you behind your back?

or should i even call them "friends"

well something similar has been happening with my family instead, what do i mean by this?
Well every now and then i go up the stairs after getting some food before bed and oneday i just sat on the stairs for a bit because i was feeling really weak because of a cold.
Then from the stairs i could hear my mum talking on the phone in the living room to someone and i was interested as you what she was talking about and i hear her saying things like.

"Oh my god lately hes been so lazy not even helping around the house or taking the dog for a walk"
and stuff like
"You wont believe what he did today, he just sat around doing nothing all day"
and this one oh my god this one really got to me
"yeah i know im actually thinking about shipping him off to the US to be with his dad"

and over the years this has really gotten to me as today i was coming out of my room to wash dishes and i heard her say "Close the door cause he might hear" and all she was doing was bitching about be how im not responsible and that i was calling her last night cause she was out shopping and i didnt know where she was cause she was taking longer than usual, bear in mind that she knows that i worry a lot.

this has just really been gettig to me so if anyone know s any tips on what i could say or do.

love you guys lots

(PolaroidGuy Stopping Time-------