Friday, 14 October 2016


Hey guys.

so up until Christmas ill be trying to pump out posts every week so i hope you enjoy.

I would like to start off saying that this post isn't the happiest thing to talk about but i just want to get it off my chest.

So lately I've been thinking about who my friends really are and you must be thinking "what do you mean" well when im with "Friends" i feel kind of left out in a away for example -
When im trying to have a serious talk with a friend they just shrug it off like its nothing,
Also when i am sitting down with a group of friends to try to draw a bit and write songs or write short story's and then they ask if they can look at my drawings and writing and i say that i dont like people looking at them but they insist and when they look at my work such as writing they say oh why are you writing like that it looks really bad and wrong, and also when they are looking at my drawings they say things like "Oh why did you draw that mouth like that or why did you draw that face like that do you not have any originality?" and im just like no i dont have any originality because im still trying to learn different things about drawing and writing so i take ideas from people that have already don the same thing and just because you can draw and you have "Originality" doesn't mean you can tell me i have non.


Sorry if this made no sense what so ever but i just had to talk about it.

anyway thats all for today if any of you have had something like this happen to you then post it in the comments.
until next time.

PolaroidGuy Stopping Time ------

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